Our Services
Modern Living Properties is a unique company offering a range of services to both landlords and tenants in across the UK and Spain.
Whether you’re a landlord looking for someone to professionally manage your property, or a tenant seeking a high quality yet competitively priced place to live, we offer a complete service that few can match.
Modern Living Properties specialises in selling new build developments to the UK and Spanish property investment market.
UK property has proved one of the most attractive investments over the past few years, as investors flock to its security of income and strong capital growth in an uncertain world.
As part of the GRE Assets group we understand investor landlords like few others, and are confident you’ll not find a better suited company to manage your property.
Whether you're a UK or overseas landlord, our experienced and reliable team will deal with the day-to-day management of your property quickly and professionally.
We extensively market and advertise properties to find the right tenant and our comprehensive referencing service ensures complete peace-of-mind. Our high-quality maintenance team resolves any problems and ensures the property remains at an exacting standard.
From paying bills to making sure your property complies with current and new UK legislation – you can be sure your property is in the best possible hands.
Our tenants are just as important to us as our landlords. At Modern Living Properties we understand you want a good quality property to call home, aligned with a professional and reliable service to match.
Whether you’re moving job, moving home or moving country our team of experienced professionals understand your anxieties and concerns, and will guide you through the process of moving into one of our properties.
All our properties meet our own strict criteria meaning you’re only looking at homes of the highest quality. Additionally all deposits are held in a government authorised tenancy deposit scheme, safeguarding your deposit in one of the UK’s largest suppliers of deposit protection.
For complete peace of mind we provide a 24hr emergency call out service should anything go wrong night or day, and an online service where repairs and maintenance can be reported and progress monitored.

A selection of developments we manage

Contact us now
E-Mail: info@mlp-uk.com
Telephone: +44 (0) 186 558 2344
Address: 7200 The Quorum,
Oxford Business Park North,
Oxford, OX4 2JZ